246-centaur-norn-pelt-pack by KittyTikara and Spykkie for Creatures 3, contains a new sprite breed
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246-centaur-norn-pelt-pack by KittyTikara and Spykkie for Creatures 3, contains a new sprite breed
::----- Pelt pack info.txt -----:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Centaur Norns Pelt Pack~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In celebration of the release of the centaur norn breed Version 2, (now with improved walking), I have created a sprinkle of diversity: The pelt pack! Installation: -Make sure the Centaur norns breed is already installed in your game. -Choose a pelt type. -Choose either male or female. -Put the .c16 files into the Images folder to replace the old ones. Information: -THESE ONLY AFFECT FULL GROWN, ADULT CENTAUR NORNS. -Other life stages are NOT affected. -Upper body is NOT affected. -If you wish for your norns to keep their custom pelts into old age, simply delete the old age sprites for that breed. The game should then keep using the adult life stage's sprites by default! (old age sprites to delete: c05q,c45q,f05q,f45q,m05q,m45q) -This Pelt pack requires the Centaur norns breed to work. Centaur breed and Pelt pack by Spykkie [[Thanks]] Special thanks to Lilynorn and KittyTikara for helping me test the atts update for the Centaur breed V2! (\_/) |o o| Neigh~~ (. .)
Breed Slot - Norn: 'q' --PARTIAL-- - FEMALE: [Adult] - MALE: [Adult]