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  • GreenReaper
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::----- JRNet.txt -----::
***JRNet Documentation***

JRNet is a chat client to LummoxJR's chat system. It is designed to offer more features than the standard client such as sound, /seen, per-user message windows . . .

Comments on or suggestions for improvements to JRNet should be directed to TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry) - *****@hotmail.com

All commands should be avilable via menus, but I know at least one user prefers a CLI (me ;-).


Left-click on someone's name in the user list to send a /MSG to them. Right-click to bring up a menu of fun things to do to them. Right-click per-user message windows to get rid of them.

ESC will autocomplete a name. Press again to get the next match - cycles at the end.

Up+down arrow keys in the send box will access send history (the last 100 things you said).

Link multiple commands with &&& (so "one &&& two &&& three"). Works with aliases, like: /alias /stuck /time 1ms /kick %1 &&& /setinfo %2 name %1

If you do not see what you require . . . ask! Feature requests are welcome! 

*Function keys*
F1 - opens this file
F2 - connects
F3 - opens the log for the last person to enter who was logged (useful for checking up on them)
F4 - unsticks the last stuck person
F5 - /vote y {user on vote button}
F6 - removes current vote
F8 - /vote n {user on vote button}

*Command prefixes (put in front of other commands)*

/NOEVENT - Prevent lower lifeforms from hearing of your nefarious deeds

/NOIGNORE - Prevent a statement from being ignored

/PWD password|newname - Supply a password to a command (or a new name for waitlist voting)

/TIME time - Specify a time for a command. Sample: /TIME 1w2d3h4m55s66ms
