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  • Creatures 2
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fishy for Creatures 2, a critter agents

Text File Composite

::----- pretty_fishbowl_readme.txt -----::
Pretty Fishbowl (v 2.0)

You will need the latest version of the Creatures 2 Object Injector 
to use this cob.  It can be downloaded at the Creature Labs website 

Unzip the .cob file into your Creatures 2 Objects directory.  All the
necessary files are stored in the cob and will automatically install
into the appropriate directories.

Another pretty fishy for your creatures to admire.  Inspired by 
Mr_nStuff's GoldFish conversion from C1.  This cob actually contains
two fishbowls, a large version and a small version, since I couldn't
decide which one I liked better.  They share the same scripts, and
removing one will remove the other.

Creatures enjoying the Pretty Fishbowl will get:

          Boredom Decrease : 70
Need for Pleasure Decrease : 50  
           Stress Decrease : 40
           Thirst Increase : 40

This cob uses script numbers 2 20 28021.

Flib Dat!  ***** *****

Agent Contents

Pretty Fishbowl

Another pretty fishy for your Norns to admire.


Small Pretty Fishbowl

A smaller version of the pretty fishbowl.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Small Pretty Fishbowl
Agent Preview - Small Pretty Fishbowl