Minor Fixes

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Original File IPTI-minfix.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Vampess
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Minor_Fixes
File Size: 11 KB

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::----- Readme.txt -----::
Minor Fixes
1. Install instructions
2. Information

1. Install instructions
Replace all these files in your ../Creatures 3/bootstrap/001 World folder. Then press Control+Shift+C and type;
ject "balloon bug.cos" 7 ject "man-o-war.cos" 7 ject "mosquito.cos" 7
and so forth

Or you can just make a new world.

2. Information
The balloon bugs would get stuck hopping around, trying to get to flowers. This fixes it.

The mosquito script had a population control that didn't work. This fixes it.

In man-o-war script, the eggs didn't work. This fixes it.

After the balloon bugs were fixed, cacbana seeds became abundant. But there's a glitch in the engine that prevents a collision script from firing sometimes. This will fix the seeds, if they glitch.

There wasn't really anything wrong with medicine maker, except that creatures would push it, expecting food. So it is a machine now. The potions did not disappear on their own, so I made them disappear after half an hour. This way, you don't end up with hundreds of potions littering your ship.

The lift was perfectly fine, except it picked up everything. It also bothered me that several creatures would ride the elevator, while wanting to go in opposite directions. This often led to that same group of creatures going up and down eternally. Now the script does not pick agents, and only one creature at a time.

Enjoy! :)