Improved Honey

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  • Creatures 1
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Inspired by Jessica of Discover Albia's work on trying to fix C1 Honey, this improved honey updates the sprites of the original to have a bee design, with honey dribble on the side marking how full it is. The Jar can now also be tilted in 2 different ways depending on where the norn grabbing it is.

It also fixes the problem with the jar not going completely invisible after being drained, and even if a creature manages to still keep the jar, they'll be properly stimmed for it. Finally, I've increase the NFP- slightly and lowered the Hunger- creatures get from eating the honey.

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Improved Honey

COB by Vermidia, Inspired by Jessica from Discover Albia


Injects and Replaced the original 6 Honey Jars with bee-themed ones near the beehives that look diffrent depending on how full they are. When picked up the jars will (most of the time) face the direction of the creature who picked it up. It also makes sure the jars go invisible when emptied, and even if a sneaky creature manages to take another sip, they'll still get stimmed properly. It also changes the stim from

Hunger Decrease: 150
NFP Decrease: 20
Starch: 40


Hunger Decrease: 80
NFP Decrease: 40
Starch: 40

Put the .COB and .rcb into your Creatures 1 folder
Put the .spr into your Creatures 1 Images folder

This agent should not be modified or distributed without my information unless I go missing for more than a year, then do whatever. You can contact me on the Norn Nebula discord, Creatures discord or Creatures caves

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Agent Preview - C1-Updated-Honey
Agent Preview - C1-Updated-Honey