Creatures 3 Update 2.exe

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Original File Creatures 3 Update 2.exe
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
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File Size: 3.23 MB


Creatures 3 Update 2 for Docking Station, metaroom, and a vendor agents

Agent Contents

Anti-Bacterial spray

Displays value of input

Antigen Detector

Detects antigens


Detects antigens

Aparato de radio

Sends and recieves signals from other radios.

Aquamite maker

Makes Aquamites


Makes Aquamites

Aquatic Launcher

Launches life forms

Aquatic monitor

Monitors populations


Displays value of input

Bengal - Egg Agent

Bengal Norn - expressive - Egg Agent

Bruin - Egg Agent

Bruin Norn - expressive - Egg Agent

Chemical grapher

displays information on a selected chemical

Civet - Egg Agent

Civet Norn - expressive - Egg Agent

Conmutador de encendido

Sends out a signal at regular intervals.

Conmutador más/menos

Sends positive or negative signals


Sends signals after specified delay.

Controlador de la población acuática

Monitors populations

Controlemachine waterbewoners

Monitors populations

Contrôleur population aquatique

Monitors populations

Count gate

Sends signals after specified delay.

Creature detector

Detects Creatures


Detects Creatures

Delay Gate

Delays sending signals it recieves for specified amount of time.

Detector de antígenos

Detects antigens

Detector de criaturas

Detects Creatures

Detector de partículas olorosas

Detects smells

Détecteur d'antigènes

Detects antigens

Détecteur de créatures

Detects Creatures

Détecteur d’odorons

Detects smells

Emetteur d’odorons

Emits smells

Emettitore di fiutoni

Emits smells

Emisor de partículas olorosas

Emits smells

Escáner médico

Measures creaturs health

Generador acuático

Launches life forms

Generador de acuamitas

Makes Aquamites

Generatore di aquamiti

Makes Aquamites

Grafiekgadget chemische stof

displays information on a selected chemical

Grille de compte

Sends signals after specified delay.

Grille de retardement

Delays sending signals it recieves for specified amount of time.

Grille logique

An AND and OR gate

Grille PAS

Turns non zero signals to zero and visa versa.

Herramienta de salida numérica

Displays value of input

Indicador de gestación

Scans for pregnancy

Indicateur de grossesse

Scans for pregnancy

Indicatore di gravidanza

Scans for pregnancy

Indicatore luminoso

It lights up

Instrumento de negación: NO

Turns non zero signals to zero and visa versa.

Instrumento de recuento

Sends signals after specified delay.

Instrumento de retardo

Delays sending signals it recieves for specified amount of time.

Instrumento lógico

An AND and OR gate

Interrupteur plus / moins

Sends positive or negative signals

Interrupteur à impulsions

Sends out a signal at regular intervals.

Interruttore a impulsi

Sends out a signal at regular intervals.

Interruttore più/meno

Sends positive or negative signals


It lights up


Fires Sludge

Lanceur aquatique

Launches life forms

Lanciatore acquatico

Launches life forms


It lights up


Stackable light. You can select it's colour and it glows proportional to it's input value.


It lights up


Stackable light. You can select it's colour and it glows proportional to it's input value.


It lights up

Logic Gate

An AND and OR gate

Logische bewerking

An AND and OR gate


It lights up


Stackable light. You can select it's colour and it glows proportional to it's input value.

Medical scanner

Measures creaturs health

Medical transporter

Transports Creatures to the Medical bay


Medische noodtransporter

Transports Creatures to the Medical bay


Medische scanner

Measures creaturs health

Medizinischer Scanner

Measures creaturs health


Fires Sludge

Modulo luminoso

Stackable light. You can select it's colour and it glows proportional to it's input value.

Monitor popolaz. acquatica

Monitors populations

Módulo de luz

Stackable light. You can select it's colour and it glows proportional to it's input value.


Turns non zero signals to zero and visa versa.

NOT gate

Turns non zero signals to zero and visa versa.


Transports Creatures to the Medical bay


Numeric Output tool

Displays value of input

Numerieke signaaleenheid

Displays value of input

Operatore logico

An AND and OR gate

Operatore NON

Turns non zero signals to zero and visa versa.

Operatore ritardato

Delays sending signals it recieves for specified amount of time.

Outil de sortie numérique

Displays value of input

Pistola de fango

Fires Sludge

Pistola sparafango

Fires Sludge

Plus Minus switch

Sends positive or negative signals


Sends positive or negative signals

Pregnancy indicator

Scans for pregnancy

Producteur d’aquamites

Makes Aquamites

Pulse switch

Sends out a signal at regular intervals.


Sends out a signal at regular intervals.

Pulverizador antibacteriano

Displays value of input


Sends and recieves signals from other radios.

Radio Machine

Sends and recieves signals from other radios.


Sends and recieves signals from other radios.


Sends and recieves signals from other radios.

Rivelatore di antigeni

Detects antigens

Rivelatore di creature

Detects Creatures

Rivelatore di fiutoni

Detects smells

Scanner medico

Measures creaturs health

Scanner médical

Measures creaturs health


Detects smells


Emits smells


It makes noise


It makes noise


It makes noise


It makes noise


It makes noise


It makes noise

Sludge gun

Fires Sludge

Smell Detector

Detects smells

Smell Emitter

Emits smells

Spray antibatterico

Displays value of input

Strumento output numerico

Displays value of input


Sends signals after specified delay.

Teletrasportatore medico

Transports Creatures to the Medical bay


Tracé de graphique chimique

displays information on a selected chemical

Transportador médico

Transports Creatures to the Medical bay


Trazador de gráficos químicos

displays information on a selected chemical

Téléporteur médical d’urgence

Transports Creatures to the Medical bay


Vaporisateur anti-bactérien

Displays value of input


Delays sending signals it recieves for specified amount of time.

Visualizz. di sostanze chimiche

displays information on a selected chemical


Launches life forms


Detects Creatures


Scans for pregnancy

Other Images

Agent Preview - Scentondetector
Agent Preview - Scentondetector