Montu Emitters v2.0

Montu Emitters v2.0 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Montu Emitters
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
Wiki Link
File Size: 2 KB

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A patch for Chaos Development's Monturrarium. Installs a set of light, heat, fertilizer and soil moisture emitters into your Monturrarium, allowing plants to grow there.

Added in V2: CA linking of rooms connected by the lift and rooms connected by the doors.

Text File Composite

::----- ReadmeV2.txt -----::
Inject this agent AFTER you inject the Monturarrium into your world. All it does is add emitters into the Montu rooms, so your norns will be more comfy and plants will be able to grow.

If you have any problem, please email me at *****

V2 Update: Also links the CA's through the floors connected by the lift as well as the rooms containing the teleporters into Monturarrium.

Agent Contents

Montu EmittersV2 DS

This agent simply adds some emitters into the Monterarrium.

Montu EmittersV2

This agent simply adds some emitters into the Monterarrium.

Other Images

Agent Preview - Montu EmittersV2 DS
Agent Preview - Montu EmittersV2 DS