Mountain Bike

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Original File Mountain Bike
  • Creatures 1
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Mountain Bike v1.1 for Creatures 1, vehicle and weed agent

Text File Composite

::----- Bike v1.1.readme.txt -----::
Mountain Bike version 1.1

***** Changes from 1.0
- Removed the old cras.wav sound and put skid.wav in its place. The bike doesn't do the out of control stuff at the end, it just skids to a stop.
- Added movable rocks (3 of them) which can be moved around, and the norn on the bike will jump any in its path.
- Changed the bike sprites a bit to fit more with the rock jumping.
- Added chemicals for the rocks and jumps.
- Added a function to find the movable rocks. The hand can push the non-movable rock (either) and it will cycle through the movable rocks and highlights each rock in turn. You can do this to aid in finding and moving them around.


Import this .COB file into Creatures with the Object Injector. The Mountain Bike will appear
to the right of the kitchen, the camera will pan to it. Its useful to get norns from the kitchen area to the submarine area quickly, or even just away from the kitchen. Its a no stop, no turn around trip, but its quick. I used 'spas' when a norn activates it, so it should only pick up that norn, when activating with the hand it works as a normal mover all in the range. Also two rocks are injected one at the beginning and at the end, their purpose you should see once you've used it. I recommend setting up a camera setting near the end and beginning points so you can just select it and watch the norn come. I have had no problems using this COB on my system, results may vary let me know if you have problems.

Files and installation:

Bike v1.1.readme.txt	-	Read Me file	[This file read it!]
Bike v1.1.COB		-	COB file	[Install into '\Creatures' directory]
Bike v1.1.RCB		-	COB Remover	[Install into '\Creatures' directory]
bike.spr		-	Sprites		[Install into '\Creatures\Images' directory]
roc_.spr		-	Sprites		[Install into '\Creatures\Images' directory]
clic.wav		-	Sounds		[Install into '\Creatures\Sounds' directory]
skid.wav		-	Sounds		[Install into '\Creatures\Sounds' directory]
bump.wav		-	Sounds		[Install into '\Creatures\Sounds' directory]
bike v1.1.cos		-	COB source	[View it if interested]

Chemicals involved:
When a norn activates the bike, it gets 50 sleepiness decrease, 50 nfp decrease and 50 boredom decrease. At the end of the ride the norn gets 10 pain increase.
When the hand activates it no chemicals are injected.
Every rock jumped will inject 10 boredom decrease, 10 nfp decrease.
If a norn picks up a rock and tried to eat (push) it, it will hurt its teeth and get 10 pain increase.

You can safely move the rocks outside the Bike's range, above and below as well. There will just be less rocks to hurdle.

Bike (mover)			3 1 255
movable rocks (weed)	2 15 254	- NEW since 1.1
rocks (weed)			2 15 255


Agent Contents

Mountain Bike v1.1
