Kai Ettin

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Original File C2KaiEttin.zip
  • Slaterbait
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Kai_Ettin
File Size: 21 KB

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Kai Ettin by Slaterbait for Creatures, contains new genetics

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Creatures Two Breeds by Slaterbait

< *****@hotmail.com >

< http://www.slaterbait.50megs.com >

Bacteria Norn
Perfect for the impatient Norn breeder. These Norns have offspring with max mutancy rate, are very good at breeding, and have short lifespans. They are ideally suited to harsh environments, and they will evolve very quickly.

Bain Shee Norn
These Norns live their lives as babies from birth until... well, adulthood. They will breed from then on. May cause overpopulation.

Bubbles the MerEttin.
I just had to make Bubbles. Not only is he a MerEttin, he is completely amphibious at all life stages.

Chalk Ettin
Named for their grey colouring, these Ettins are grey.

Equata Norn
A Norn from the tropical regions of Albia, where the sun shines all night. These creatures enjoy peaceful relaxing lives.

How could I resist? Also included is Grettin 2, the Christmas Edition.

Kai Ettin
Based on the Kai Norn, these creatures will nurse their young. It is best if you have Kai Norns already in Albia.

Kai Grendel
Based on the Kai Norn, these creatures will nurse their young. It is best if you have Kai Norns already in Albia.

Mechan Norn
The decendants of the C1 Mechan Norns, these lovable bundles of fuzz will rock your Albia.

Psycho Ettin
These Ettins love to eat, sleep, and kick anyone and everyone.

Putrid Ettins
Not how they sound. These creatures live in harmony with their own race, eating, sleepin, and kisspopping, but if they see a Grendel or Norn, they go postal.

Other Images

Kai Ettin.jpg
Kai Ettin.jpg