Wood Norn

Wood Norn thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Wood Norns.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Wood_Norn_(C3/DS)
File Size: 4.27 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


The Wood Norns, released for CCSF 2015 have almost the same traits as the Mountain Norns. However, they're interested in animals, instead of gadgets. When bored they will usually seek out toys though, so they are not likely to run away when they're bored, unlike their cousins (provided you've got a bunch of toys or pets for them). The Wood Norns occupy Norn Slot Q and feature sprites for 4 life stages.

See also the Wood Norn v2, released in 2017 and the Wood Norn (Remastered), released in 2018.

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Place WoodNornEggs.agents in your Creatures 3 My Agents folder, then start creating eggs from your egg layer: The rest of the files are installed automatically.

By default a CFF genome is placed in your Genetics folder. However, CFE versions are included as well. Those have to be installed manually though.

- Arnout (1-12-2015)

::----- Some info.txt -----::
The Wood Norns have almost the same traits as the Mountain Norns. However, they're interested in animals, instead of gadgets. 
When bored they will usually seek out toys though, so they are not likely to run away when they're bored, unlike their cousins.
(provided you've got a bunch of toys or pets for them) The Wood Norns occupy Norn Slot Q and feature sprites for 4 life stages.

Agent Contents

Wood Norn - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'q'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Images

Breed C3NQ preview
Breed C3NQ preview
Breed C3NQ preview
Breed C3NQ preview
33f3 - Breed C3NQ.png
33f3 - Breed C3NQ.png

Other Images

Breed C3NQ preview
Breed C3NQ preview