Inkras Butterfly

Inkras Butterfly thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Inkras
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Flea
  • TwilightCat
Wiki Link
File Size: 11 KB

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Inkras Butterfly by Flea and TwilightCat for Docking Station, a pest agent

Text File Composite

::----- InkrasButterfly.txt -----::
The Inkras Butterfly is open found in open plains,
 flitting about merrily. They are relatively numerous,
 so it makes life somewhat relaxed for them...
...Plants fall prey to their inching caterpillars...~

Images by Trollop
Caos by TwilightCat

If you have any problems with this agent please
contact *****

Oh you can change the ammount of butterflies in your world with these commands in the
caos command line (open that with Ctrl+Shift+C)
setv game "InkrasButterfly_MinPop" n
setv game "InkrasButterfly_MaxPop" n
where n is a number MinPop is the minimum ammount of butterflies Max is the maximum.
The Max should be a higher number than the Min.

::----- twilightagents-copyright_de.txt -----::
***TwilightCat's Agents***

made by TwilightCat/Twilight
Hosted @ Creatures Unlimited

Der vorliegende Agent (oder Agent Pack) unterlieg dem Copyright von TwilightCat
und darf ohne Rückfrage bei TwilightCat nicht auf anderen Seiten gehostet und zum Download angeboten werden.

Juni 2004
Mairenn/Creatures Unlimited
Creatures Unlimited & Creatures Community Centre
(Kathira, Mairenn, Phil)

Agent Contents

Inkras Butterfly

The broad plains of Bug's realm host innumerable insect species, so it's not surprising that the Inkras butterfly migrated through


Inkras Butterfly

The broad plains of Bug's realm host innumerable insect species, so it's not surprising that the Inkras butterfly migrated through


Other Images

Agent Preview - Inkras Butterfly (DS)
Agent Preview - Inkras Butterfly (DS)
Agent Preview - Inkras Butterfly (DS)
Agent Preview - Inkras Butterfly (DS)