Medicine Bottles V 1.01

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Original File Medicine Bottles
  • Creatures 1
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This comes with 4 medical bottles, each also using an originally unused pill sprite.

Each pill gives the following:

1st Bottle: Starch, Hunger Decrease, Sleepiness 2nd Bottle: Hotness Decrease, Cough Medicine, Sleepiness 3rd Bottle: Antibody 5, 6, & 7, Sleepiness 4th Bottle: Pain Decrease, Tiredness, Sleepiness, Alcohol

Note: To use, push the bottle while it's standing up to make it fall over. Push again to make a pill pop out. Further pushes will not make a pill come out unless you pick it up and push it again. Also the Sleepiness and Tiredness are not administered through increases, so your norns should not learn that herbs are bad.

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Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Put the .COB and .rcb into your Creatures 1 folder

Specific Chemicals Given:

Bottle 1: 80 starch, 5 hunger decrease, 40 sleepiness
Bottle 2: 30 hotness decrease, 70 cough medicine, 40 sleepiness
Bottle 3: 70 Antibody 5, 70 Antibody 6, 70 Antibody 7, 40 sleepiness
Bottle 4: 80 Pain decrease, 70 tiredness, 70 sleepiness, 10 alcohol

Made by Verm from the Norn Nebula/Dominion Discord/Caos Coding Cave/Creatures Discord Discord
To contact me, join one of the above discords
You can do what you want with this agent, as long as I get credit for this

Agent Contents

Medicine Bottles


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Agent Preview - Medicine Bottles
Agent Preview - Medicine Bottles