Overflowing Tub (PT)

Overflowing Tub (PT) thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File 'Overflowing Tub' Name Bits for Protective Tub.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • BaffleBlend
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Protective_Tub
File Size: 138 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


For use with Protective Tub.

This catalogue contains the contents of a huge English word list, so that means your creatures' names can turn out to be virtually anything rather than just a brief list of adjectives and nouns.

...and I do mean anything, so be warned that some names might be inappropriate or ideologically sensitive in some way. Seriously, I can't sort through two copies of over 20,000 words to pick out every potentially iffy word, because I know I'd miss several if I tried. (I can say it doesn't have any of the typical curse words, though.)