Updated Baby Male Norns.zip

Updated Baby Male Norns.zip thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Updated Baby Male Norns.zip
  • Creatures 1
  • Jessica
  • Gameware
  • Greg Poehlein
  • Norngirl
Wiki Link Search "Updated Baby Male Norns" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 171 KB

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Updated Baby Male Norns by Jessica, Greg Poehlein, Norngirl and Gameware for Creatures 1, is a breed pack

Text File Composite

::----- Updated-C1-Baby-Male-Norns-Readme.txt -----::
Updated Creatures 1 Baby Male Norns
By Jessica of Discover Albia
Original Norns by Gameware
Baby Male Santa Norns by Greg Poehlein
Baby Male Purple Mountain Norn Head Sprites by Norngirl
Version 1.0


These files will overwrite the existing Norn body data files and sprites. Make sure to create backups before copying over the new files.


This download includes body data and sprite fixes for the Creatures 1 male baby Norns. Note that only one life stage for the males is available in this release. These updated files should improve the appearance, movement, and poses seen in Creatures 1. Every individual bitmap has been resized, recolored, and/or reshaped to provide improved features without taking away from the general Creatures 1 experience.


- Banana Norns (Slot 0 Body Data and Sprites)
- White Haired Pixie Norns (Slot 1 Body Data and Sprites)
- Horse Norns (Slot 2 Body Data and Sprites)
- Santa Norns (Slot 3 Body Data and Sprites)
- Purple Mountain Norns (Slot 4 Body Data and Sprites)
- Forest Norns (Slot 5 Body Data and Sprites)
- Ron Norns (Slot 6 Body Data and Sprites)
- Updated-C1-Baby-Male-Norns-Readme.txt


- Make sure Creatures 1 is not running.
- (Optional) Create a backup of the original .att and .spr Norn files.
- Each breed is included separately to allow each player to install only those that he/she would like to be updated.
- Place the new .att files in the Creatures 1\Body Data directory.
- Place the new .spr files in the Creatures 1\Images directory.
- Reload Creatures 1 and enjoy the new baby male Norn updates!


- All instances of sharing must include the Readme file and proper credit.
- This creation may be privately distributed and shared, provided that all files remain together, including the Readme.
- This creation may not be hosted, nor uploaded, anywhere unless Discover Albia goes down permanently and Jessica can not be reached.

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: '3'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Norn: '1'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Norn: '0'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Norn: '5'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Norn: '2'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Norn: '4'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Norn: '6'
	- MALE: [Child]

Breed Images

Breed C1N3 preview
Breed C1N3 preview
Breed C1N3 preview
Breed C1N3 preview
Breed C1N1 preview
Breed C1N1 preview
2698 - Breed C1N2
2698 - Breed C1N2
Breed C1N0 preview
Breed C1N0 preview
2698 - Breed C1N3
2698 - Breed C1N3
2698 - Breed C1N0
2698 - Breed C1N0
2698 - Breed C1N4
2698 - Breed C1N4
Breed C1N5 preview
Breed C1N5 preview
Breed C1N2 preview
Breed C1N2 preview

Other Images

Breed C1N3 preview
Breed C1N3 preview