Solar Ettin

Solar Ettin thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File solar
  • Creatures 2
  • Ettin Boy
Wiki Link
File Size: 265 KB

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The Solar Ettins occupy the Ettin E breed slot.

Text File Composite

::----- Solarettin.txt -----::
Solar Ettin

The Ettin were in a state of genetic confusion new
creatures from other places and times were arriving
or returning to Albia even the Shee were coming back,
the Zarcon had left there DNA in the Albian gene pool.
The Norns had become intellegent, well semi-intelligent
but worse the Ettin sent by the Shee had brought with it
new violent genes. Mutations were happening with each
new generation and nothing could stop it. Not all the
mutations were having negative results one family line
of Ettin had undergone drastic pigement changes to the
point where is very colour was controlled by it emotions.
This rare condition was named "Solar Ettin".

To install place all files in the att file in the body
data file in the main Creatures 2 folder. Then put
either the files from the 555 or 565 (depending on the 
file type you version uses) in the images folder in the
main Creatures 2 folder.


The Solar Ettins where created by me Ettin Boy and based
on the Ettin images by Cyberlife, I accept no responsib-
ility for any damage it does to your creatures world or
computer, not that there should be any trouble its just
in the unlikly event there is you can't blame me. :-D
If there is any problems please email me at 
and please visit my site at


Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Ettin: 'e'
	- MALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Bob
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Male

Breed Images

Breed C3EE preview
Breed C3EE preview
Breed C3EE preview
Breed C3EE preview
Breed C2EE preview
Breed C2EE preview
1f80 - Breed C3EE
1f80 - Breed C3EE

Other Images

Breed C3EE preview
Breed C3EE preview