Spotted Lizard Ettin

Spotted Lizard Ettin thumbnail image
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Original File
  • Creatures 2
  • Amethyst
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File Size: 704 KB

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Spotted Lizard Ettin by Amethyst for Creatures 2, contains a new sprite breed, and 2 ettin exports

Text File Composite

::----- Spotted Lizard Ettins.txt -----::
Spotted Lizard Ettins
The Spotted Lizard Ettins are currently just like regular ettins, but with different sprites.
They are breedable and will act the same as any other ettin you have.  Some people may not like that, but everyone was so eager for me to get them out...well I hope I don't disappoint them.

They take up slot S.  The *.spr files go into your image file and the *.att files into the Body Data folder.  Two newborns have been included, one male and one female.  You must have the sprite and att files installed before you import them in order to see the new sprites.  Have fun!


Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Ettin: 's'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: <UnNamed>
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Male


Name: <UnNamed>
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Female

Breed Images

16d3 - Breed C2ES - e2
16d3 - Breed C2ES - e2
16d3 - Breed C2ES - e2
16d3 - Breed C2ES - e2

Other Images

16d3 - Breed C2ES - e2
16d3 - Breed C2ES - e2