Visual Indicators v1.01

Visual Indicators v1.01 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Verm
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Released for the CCSF 2023, exactly how it sounds.

Bleeding makes blood visible on bleeding TWBs, stools makes norns create waste when they discard waste internally, and Hyper-&o-thermia makes norns blush or sweat when cold or hot, with a few other effects depending on the environment.


  • Blood: Makes TWB creatures visually bleed when they are bleeding out! Puddles may be left behind for a while as they move about.
  • Hy-per&o-thermia: Creatures will now show signs of internal/external hotness/coldness, especially TWBs! Their faces will be red (or blue if severe) when cold, and they'll sweat (alot if severe) when hot. They may appear to catch on fire when their skin is burning off or their breath may be visible when it's a little chilly.
  • Stools: Internally, creatures would pee after enough waste builds up. This agent makes it so once that process is done, they'll create a stool that varies a lil based on their internal biochem. Also said poo is detritus, great for toxics :p

Version 1.01: Catalogue fixes, making Hy-per&o-thermia's name consistent

Text File Composite

::----- Hyp-er&o-thermia.txt -----::

group AGNT "Hyp-er&o-thermia(C3)"
"Agent Type" 0
"Agent Animation File" "HotOrCold.c16"
"Agent Animation Gallery" "HotOrCold"
"Agent Animation String" "6 7 8 9 255"
"Agent Bioenergy Value" 0
"Remove script" "inst enum 4 0 0 setv name \"HotOrCold!!\" 0 next enum 3 12 5687 kill targ next enum 3 20 5688 kill targ next enum 3 20 5689 kill targ next enum 3 20 5690 kill targ next"
"Script Count" 1
"Script 1" @ "Hyp-er&o-thermia.cos"
"Dependency Count" 2
"Dependency 1" "HotOrCold.c16"
"Dependency Category 1" 2
"Dependency 2" "HotOrCold.catalogue"
"Dependency Category 2" 7

group DSAG "Hyp-er&o-thermia"
"Agent Type" 0
"Agent Description" "Makes coldness/hotness more apparent on creatures, especially good for TWBs. Made by Verm"
"Web Label" "Creatures Caves"
"Web URL" ""
"Agent Animation File" "HotOrCold.c16"
"Agent Animation Gallery" "HotOrCold"
"Agent Animation String" "6 7 8 9 255"
"Agent Sprite First Image" 0
"Remove script" "inst enum 4 0 0 setv name \"HotOrCold!!\" 0 next enum 3 12 5687 kill targ next enum 3 20 5688 kill targ next enum 3 20 5689 kill targ next enum 3 20 5690 kill targ next"
"Script Count" 1
"Script 1" @ "Hyp-er&o-thermia.cos"
"Dependency Count" 2
"Dependency 1" "HotOrCold.c16"
"Dependency Category 1" 2
"Dependency 2" "HotOrCold.catalogue"
"Dependency Category 2" 7

inline FILE "HotOrCold.c16" "HotOrCold.c16"
inline FILE "HotOrCold.catalogue" "HotOrCold.catalogue"

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Visual Indicators
By Verm



Makes TWB creatures visually bleed when they are bleeding out! Puddles may be left behind for awhile as they move about.


Creatures will now show signs of internal/external hotness/coldness, especially TWBs! Their faces will be red (or blue if severe) when cold, and they'll sweat (alot if severe) when hot. They may appear to catch on fire when their skin is burning off or their breath may be visible when it's a little chilly.


Internally, creatures would pee after enough waste builds up. This agent makes it so once that process is done, they'll create a stool that varies a lil based on their internal biochem. Also said poo is detritus, great for toxics :p

Do what you want with this

1.01: Catalogue fixes, making Hy-per&o-thermia's name consistent