This is a mini-game room designed for short rounds of soccer! Using the DS Park metaroom as a base, and soccer code from Freylaverse
This download has the fixed favorite places icon, and actually ejects your creatures.
This is a mini-game room designed for short rounds of soccer! Using the DS Park metaroom as a base, and soccer code from Freylaverse
This download has the fixed favorite places icon, and actually ejects your creatures.
::----- SoccerPark.txt -----:: Created by Bedalton, base code designed by Freyla. This is a minigame room designed for short rounds of soccer! The original room is based on "The Park" an uncredited incomplete C3/DS metaroom. To play a game, drop norns into the metaroom and click the sun for the menu. Norns will be selected at random for the teams. Norns of a given team can bump the ball to the opposing goal. You can end the match at any time by clicking the sun and ending the match. There is food provided, but the ball is very very attractive. Long matches may be detrimental to Norn's health. NOTE: This room contains features for the unreleased 2022 Wolfing Metaroom, which will be updated in this file when this finally joins the archive.
A Metaroom based on DS Park, modified to allow your creatures to play soccer
A Metaroom based on DS Park, modified to allow your creatures to play soccer