Toys-Out boots toys out of the Norn Terrarium pond, helping to prevent drowning.
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Toys-Out boots toys out of the Norn Terrarium pond, helping to prevent drowning.
::----- Toys-Out README.txt -----:: Toys-Out An agent that tosses toys out of the pool in the Norn Terrarium. by Schlacht ***** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS AGENT OR OFFER IT FOR DOWNLOAD ON YOUR WEBSITE WITHOUT CONTACTING ME FOR APPROVAL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL THE AGENT: Place the toys-out.agent file in the "My Agents" folder of your "Creatures 3" folder. HOW TO USE THE AGENT: To create the Toys-Out agent with the Creator machine turn on the machine and scroll through the items until the description of the item says "Toys-Out" and you see the image of a ball with a yellow arrow pointing away from the ball. Click the create button and the Toys-Out agent will be injected into your world over the plants in the pool in the Norn terrarium. If any toys get into the pool then Toys-Out will toss them out along the ground in the Norn terrarium. To test it out then toss a toy or two into the pool. In a moment they will dissappear from the pool and be tossed onto the ground. You can move the Toys-Out agent wherever you want but it will only protect the pool in the Norn terrarium. It will stay where you drop it. It can be placed in the inventory drawer. It is invisible to Creatures and will not appear on remote cameras. It will appear in snapshots of your Creatures. HOW TO REMOVE THE AGENT: You remove the Toys-Out agent using the Creator machine. Turn on the Creator and scroll through the items until the description of the item says "Toys-Out" and you see the image of a ball with a yellow arrow pointing away from the ball. Click the remove button twice (the small button with the "X" on it) and the Toys-Out agent will be removed from the world. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Family 1 Genus 2 Species 16404