This is an overhaul of the 2017 CFF genomes. In the zip file you'll find new Creatures 3 and Docking Station starter parents, as well as two folders that either let you replace the genomes of the 2017 egg agents, or the genomes of the original C3/DS Creature breeds. Changes are below:
*The following changes were made to improve survivability:
- Norns will now feel lonely less quickly. However, lonely Norns should now also be more likely to look out for one another.
- 2017 Creatures will now only eat what is complementary to their highest hunger drive. They'll require a somewhat more varied diet and will overeat less than the original CFF Creatures. Overall hunger gain has also been increased slightly for every single breed.
- Norns will now only dance under the influence of the Sex Drive chemical. In older genomes this used to be the Arousal Potential chemical; this caused (mostly female) Creatures to practically dance at all times, which made travelling really long. Now they'll only dance near potential partners.
- Libido Lowerer has a somewhat faster half-life now, which means that breeding these Creatures is easier now.
- Each breed now has the "Underwater panic gene": This gene increases up drive as long as the (terrestrial) Creature remains in water for some time. They'll either start wanting to use an elevator to get out of the water (In the C3 Aquarium or Norngarden 4 for instance), or they'll get out of the water to use an elevator. (C3 Norn Terrarium or C3 Desert.) This gene first appeared in the earlier Frost Norns.
- Additional instincts were added, like retreating from beasts when scared or drinking potions when feeling sick - which is indicated by feeling hot or cold sometimes. Other instincts were added to add more flavour to particular species. For example Grendels like to hit things and ChiChi Norns (and derivatives) are interested in gadgets.
*The following changes were made to improve crossbreeding between 2017 Creatures, mainly the mall breeds:
- Every single breed now has a progesterone half life of 56: this prevents all Treehugger Norn crossbreeds from getting stuck pregnancies where they don't make enough progesterone to lay an egg.
- The overwhelming fear drive organ no longer reduces hunger. This prevents Creatures that are easy to scare from starving all the time. (Mainly Hardman Norn crossbreeds.)