Inspired by the Creatures 2 Goat Norn by Angela Allan. The Hircine Norns were made in Geneforge with custom-shaped hoof-paws, horns, resized ears, and custom textures. The curved horns were supplied very kindly by SpaceSR.
They use Grendel Slot E and have complete sprites for growing horns and sexual dimorphism. This pack includes options for the following genomes:
- TWB (True Warm Blood)
- CFE (Creatures Full of Edits)
- Stock ChiChi (ex47) genetics.
Versions: Version 1 was released for CCSF 2023 and used breed slot Grendel T and the TWB genome.
Version 2 (this one) was released 31 December 2023 and includes:
- refined textures
- additional genomes (CFE and ChiChi instead of just TWB)
- fixed tail sprites (they were stuck just the low saturation version originally)
- reslotted from Grendel T to Grendel E (so should now clash with Micro Grendels instead of the C2toDS Bulbous Grendels)